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STEM Tutoring Hub

Supervised by Division of Undergrdauate Education and supported by the STEM Center, the STEM Tutoring Hub is designed to serve the diverse UC Merced undergraduate population by providing continuous and comprehensive educational support for a variety of math, science and engineering courses.

Summer 2024: Tutoring starts on Monday, June 17.

Tutoring is offered in-person or online - see table below. Walk-ins only, appointment not needed. Please, check back periodically for latest updates and tutoring hours.

The STEM Tutoring Hub provides tutoring to undergraduate students in a structured, discipline-specific manner. In Summer 2024, we offer drop-in or virtual tutoring for a variety of lower division courses, listed below. 


Subject Courses Location Hours
Biology BIO 11, 3, 5, 101, 110, 141, 150, 161 Biology Tutoring not offered in Summer 2024


Chemistry CHEM 1, 2, 8, 10, 100 In-person only: Chem Center, SSB 330 

Monday-Friday 1-5 pm

CSE CSE 5, 19, 22, 24

The Math Center, SSB 320, and Zoom:

Monday-Friday 1-5 pm

Mathematics MATH 5, 11, 12, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32 The Math Center, SSB 320 and Zoom:

Monday-Friday 1-5 pm

Physics PHYS 8, 9, 18,19 Zoom only:

Monday-Friday 1-5 pm


ENGR 57 Engineering Tutoring not offered in Summer 2024 N/A


More information about the STEM Tutoring Hub and how to become a peer-tutor can be found on this STEM Tutoring Hub subpage.

Interested to become a peer-tutor? Apply here.

Study Group Sessions

Visit UC Merced Success Anywhere for information on additional UC Merced peer learning resources.

Physical Space/Location

The STEM Tutoring Hub provides help on discipline-specific manner, with each discipline located in a different room.

Mathematics - SSB 320 - The Math Center

Chemistry - SSB 330 - Chem Center

Biology - SSB 340 - Tutoring Room

CSE - SSB 340 - Tutoring Room

Physics - SSB 340 - Tutoring Room

Engineering - SSB 330 - Chem Center

Usage of the Space

  • Respect yourself and others in the room – keep volumes to a minimum; use headphones
  • Check-In using your CatCard or student ID every time you enter the room.
  • Be courteous to your peers - clean your work area before leaving the room
  • Respect textbooks and room equipment – Do Not take these out of the room at any time.
  • Do not leave your belongings unattended – there is no constant supervision in the room.